Advanced Mobility Research
10 | 2010 – 02 | 2012
When working as research associate at Köln International School of Design, I developed the conceptual identity of the research institute ›Advanced Mobility Research‹. The institute was initiated by Prof. Jenz Großhans and is dealing with innovative mobility concepts focused on electro mobility.
I created and formulated the structure of the institute, developed project proposals for cooperation partner, did acquisition of third-party funds and represented the institute on trade fairs and conferences.
Furthermore, I developed substance for student seminars and organized and lead a cooperation project with the Fraunhofer IAO and the Langmatz GmbH. The student concept ›WeCharge‹ that was developed in this project, won the first prize at the competition ›Charging Station of the Future‹.

Excerpt of the image brochure I conceptualized.